love is hard to find(online status not displayed)
My NamE IS CoURtNey && wELL theres not MUcH ABouT mE JUST I Make MiSTakES, && I leARn FROM THeM, doN't we aLL? ;) "tHe beST thiNGS are lOsT BEHInD woRDs yoU cant fInd." I LIve foR eACh anD eveRY Moment. IT'S haRd To thINk toO fAR iNtO THe future, sOmetiMes it scaRES Me. FiRSt IMPrESSIONs ARe eXTREmElY IMpoRtant to ME. IT tElLS YoU ALoT aBout a PerSOn beFoRe even KnoWInG THeM. My ComFOrT zonE is MY bED lol i SLEeP alOt :P iT MAkeS me fEEL That all POSsIBilITIes aRE eNdLESs.AloT OF THiNgS Have chaNgEd AboUT mE; hoPeFully YoU've STuCk aRoUnD tO ExpERIEnce THEm WitH Me. :) I FeEl tHAT i'VE had One cOnstANT joB SINCe biRth ;) aNd tHAT wOULD bE To MAkE PEOplE smIlE. i'M A cONFuSing peRsON, I'Ll Tell YoU that RIGHt nOW. IT GIves You MoRe REAson To GeT To KNOW me. I'm BY faR YoUR AvErAge gIRl. oNce aGain, it WiLl SHOW with TimE.ANYWAYs mY FAthER dIED oN may 14TH He WAs the woRld To ME AnD I miSS HiM Tons.I LOVE to draW And i wriTe poemS soMETImEs. EverYoNE ComEs TO ME wiTh THeir ReAlAtiONShip probLEms I am vEry GOOD At HelpInG ouT I WIlL TRy mY bESt TO help yoU in ANYWAY So you HAVe a ProBLem cOme tAlK TO ME i'Ll sEE What I cAN Do TO HELp yOU . I belIEvE EVEry PeRSON HAs A sTorY TO telL; && i'M hEre tO lisTen; And sHarE. It's Time To Start A New Chapter To My Life
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