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I'm the kind of girl who will yell something random when it's quiet ~ Lakka

(online status
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Name:   Lakka ^-^Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1994-05-30Country:   
Joined:   2009-03-28Location:   Some where
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   Lakka ^-^
Birthday:   1994-05-30
Joined:   2009-03-28
Location:   Some where

Lakka Karuna Lala for short
Occupation:Pokemon Ranger
Ranger rank:3
Dating:No one

Likes:Duck tape,eating,being really childish,
playing video games,dark,night,blood
Dislikes:People making fun of me,mornings,light
Talent:Dark fairy
Fairy Form:

Wakka Karuna Wake for short
Occupation:Pokemon Ranger
Ranger rank:5
Dating:No one that I know of o.o

Likes:Eating,playing video games,light,mornings,shoping
Dislikes:Dark,nights,duck tape
Talent:Light fairy
Fairy Form:

Hikari Kobayashi

Kaki Niten

Funny vid!

Random vid I made
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