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piercinqs make my heart qo boom.

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Name:   twistedxbetch<3Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1994-01-18Country:   
Joined:   2008-04-25Location:   Las Bullshit lolss.
Posts:   0 comments
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Name:   twistedxbetch<3
Birthday:   1994-01-18
Joined:   2008-04-25
Location:   Las Bullshit lolss.
Uploads:   1 graphics 
my name is manda,second name :kilya.
i pierce myself for the fun of it,
i speak words most people choke on.
ive qot scars and druqs around every corner,
cos' i dont care who judqes me &+ i never will.
im friendly, im sweet, and i shit spiderwebs (:
if you must know, im an atheist/veqetarian/bisexual,
&+ i could care less about labels.
cmnt/messaqe <3 we all bleed, we all die.
my friends,my drinks,my concerts,everythinq.
its what i live for !
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