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believe that you are unique and that god made you beautiful in any way you look...

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Name:   twilight594Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1993-04-22Country:   United States
Joined:   2008-07-21Location:   
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   1 graphics 
Name:   twilight594
Birthday:   1993-04-22
Joined:   2008-07-21
Uploads:   1 graphics 
~converse shoes
~three days grace
~hot topic
~ripped and skinny jeans
~twilight saga
~muse (rock band)
~studs (in black or sliver)
~long sleeve shirts
~all kinds of animals..
~emo boys
~skate boarding
~watch scary & comedy movies
~romantic movies
~seth clearwater (from twilight)
~emmett cullen
~alice cullen
~edward cullen
~jasoer cullen
~rosalie hale
~jacob black
~bella swan
~renesmee carlie swan cullen
~esme cullen
~carlislie cullen
~peanut butter with oreos (i know it sounds gross but i like it..)
~painting my nails black,lime green,or red.
~school's ok..
~black and white spiky belts.
~night time
~the dark..
~moon,full moon,new moon,half moon.

~makeup (except mascara)
~preppy/girlie girls
~t00 happy people...(it gets on my nerves. l0l)
~hannah montanah...ugh..
~watching t.v.
~high heels
~taylor swift
~vanessa ann hudgens
~hip hop,rap,r&b,and country..
~big hoops or necklaces.
~the sun
~people who rush me...
~being sick
~sitting all day in the house
~mean,rude,selfish people
~songs that play over & over on the radio
~i especially don't like being the center of attention..
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