Hello there, how are you?? Hope you are enjoying your December today!! I have been here, but have not had the time to drop by until today. Busy with my Granddaughter, Haley during the week picking her from school and helping her out with homework, reports and all that fun stuff..By the time she goes home around 6ish I am wiped out.. Too tired for anything but a good Christmas movie to sit and watch..I have all my gifts wrapped and all done with that.. Long hours spent getting that finished..So enjoy your today, and wishing you the best of a new December week.. HUGGSS,
Hello and happy December Saturday ( Sunday for Robbie). Hope you had a wonderful week and wishing you a warm and festive weekend and also wishing you a fun filled new week ahead!!! Huggss!!!!
Hello and I hope for all of you that celebrate Thanksgiving you enjoyed your day. I did with my Kenny and it was a beautiful day just the 2 of us..Missed Haley and Troy my son but it is what it was this year.. Anyway I am here to say have a beautiful day and a lovely weekend.. I will be outside finishing up the out door Christmas Decor..hugs,
Hi sis, blimey shizz whizz it's been forever since I last replied to friends on here ... I've been so busy babe, I know you have too and I'm glad I've got the day off as the school's shut .... Aww I thought you'd like The Walking Dead ... I've got to catch up on last night's episode ... Too scared to check Twitter lol ... Your page looks so pretty babe, I love it .... Might have a fiddle around with mine but not for a few weeks probably .... Love you babe, I hope you're all ok xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello, hope you are having a great today. Here it is a rainy day, but it is fine with me, love these kinds of days at this time of the year, gives me more time to stay inside and do inside things..I have finally totally completed decorating the inside of my home for the holidays. Tomorrow I finish up the outside..Then I can sit back and enjoy it all. While I have the time I wanted to drop by ( I know it is a bit early) to wish all of you who do celebrate Thanksgiving to have a beautiful day and to enjoy it however you plan on spending that day.. Enjoy the weekend and the week ahead as well.. Huggss,
Hi Vikki how nice to hear from you! Ive been the same
lately just super busy but Im never too busy to Chat
to my Friends! Loveeeee your Christmas Page,I have just
done my Summer Page but that will change as I feel like
it lol I have many beautiful summer graphics to choose
from that Friends have made me and some of my own too.
Have a Fab rest of Week and Take Care Sweetie Hugs
Hello there, how are you?? Hope you are enjoying your December today!! I have been here, but have not had the time to drop by until today. Busy with my Granddaughter, Haley during the week picking her from school and helping her out with homework, reports and all that fun stuff..By the time she goes home around 6ish I am wiped out.. Too tired for anything but a good Christmas movie to sit and watch..I have all my gifts wrapped and all done with that.. Long hours spent getting that finished..So enjoy your today, and wishing you the best of a new December week.. HUGGSS,
Posted on: Dec 13th 2015, 7:03:14pm
Posted on: Dec 7th 2015, 7:33:25pm
Posted on: Dec 5th 2015, 8:45:05pm
Hello and happy December Saturday ( Sunday for Robbie). Hope you had a wonderful week and wishing you a warm and festive weekend and also wishing you a fun filled new week ahead!!! Huggss!!!!
Posted on: Dec 5th 2015, 5:15:24pm
Hello and I hope for all of you that celebrate Thanksgiving you enjoyed your day. I did with my Kenny and it was a beautiful day just the 2 of us..Missed Haley and Troy my son but it is what it was this year.. Anyway I am here to say have a beautiful day and a lovely weekend.. I will be outside finishing up the out door Christmas Decor..hugs,
Posted on: Nov 27th 2015, 6:07:40pm
Posted on: Nov 27th 2015, 4:04:48am
Posted on: Nov 26th 2015, 11:59:09pm
Posted on: Nov 23rd 2015, 3:36:17pm
Mwah!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Posted on: Nov 23rd 2015, 10:13:58am
Hi sis, blimey shizz whizz it's been forever since I last replied to friends on here ... I've been so busy babe, I know you have too and I'm glad I've got the day off as the school's shut .... Aww I thought you'd like The Walking Dead ... I've got to catch up on last night's episode ... Too scared to check Twitter lol ... Your page looks so pretty babe, I love it .... Might have a fiddle around with mine but not for a few weeks probably .... Love you babe, I hope you're all ok xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Posted on: Nov 23rd 2015, 10:06:31am
Hello, hope you are having a great today. Here it is a rainy day, but it is fine with me, love these kinds of days at this time of the year, gives me more time to stay inside and do inside things..I have finally totally completed decorating the inside of my home for the holidays. Tomorrow I finish up the outside..Then I can sit back and enjoy it all. While I have the time I wanted to drop by ( I know it is a bit early) to wish all of you who do celebrate Thanksgiving to have a beautiful day and to enjoy it however you plan on spending that day.. Enjoy the weekend and the week ahead as well.. Huggss,
Posted on: Nov 21st 2015, 7:51:41pm
Posted on: Nov 20th 2015, 10:32:02pm
Posted on: Nov 20th 2015, 1:50:27am
Posted on: Nov 17th 2015, 4:26:01pm
Hi Vikki how nice to hear from you! Ive been the same
lately just super busy but Im never too busy to Chat
to my Friends! Loveeeee your Christmas Page,I have just
done my Summer Page but that will change as I feel like
it lol I have many beautiful summer graphics to choose
from that Friends have made me and some of my own too.
Have a Fab rest of Week and Take Care Sweetie Hugs
Posted on: Nov 17th 2015, 6:17:23am