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i love twilight

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Name:   teamjacobclubRanking:   --
Birthday:   1992-06-22Country:   United States
Joined:   2010-05-25Location:   hentown
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   3 graphics 
Name:   teamjacobclub
Birthday:   1992-06-22
Joined:   2010-05-25
Location:   hentown
Uploads:   3 graphics 
if you want to join the club then comment my and say to join give me your first name ,username and copy my team jacob pin and you have to accept these rules:
1. you have to be able to do the job the i designate for you for example right down stuff or check peoples profile on new members and give me updates
2. you can not NOT be a hater of twilight that is the reason of the job of checking profiles for twilight theme
3. no lies to me i hate people who lie so i can excuse you from the club
if i comment back and tell you your club job and i right team jacob then you may be in the club

my name is shelby i have a great deal of twilight posters i am 14 but allready have a modeling job so join the club please
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