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fxck mudkipz, i herd you lyke snorlaxxz ?

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Name:   snazzeh.â„¢Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1992-08-03Country:   
Joined:   2009-04-13Location:   snazzeh's prettay computah chairr.
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   1 graphics 
Name:   snazzeh.â„¢
Birthday:   1992-08-03
Joined:   2009-04-13
Location:   snazzeh's prettay computah chairr.
Uploads:   1 graphics 

bhutt cawll meh snazzeh.


5 thangs yuu need tuh kno bout snazzeh:::

-uno!. i type lyke a dumbuzz' i herd dat wuz obviuzz`.
-tewz!. ideecee if yuu lyke meh`. computa pixelz dont faze snazzeh!
-twweee!. i hawt the pokemanz. aykayay biggust pokemon dork evar`.
-fawr!. fuck no i am nawt scene/emo`. nm aginstt them juss try induviullality for breakfestt muhfux `!
-fiiifvee. me no take requests >D

comments make me hawt in the nutsackk`.

fuck small font`. i like it
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