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Life is like cheesey-bites pizza. It tastes so good but the fact that it's advertised by Jessica Simpson makes you constantly wonder if it's really worth it?

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Name:   smeagolsgirlRanking:   --
Birthday:   1989-11-03Country:   
Joined:   2007-02-16Location:   my own fantasy world
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   11 graphics 
Name:   smeagolsgirl
Birthday:   1989-11-03
Joined:   2007-02-16
Location:   my own fantasy world
Uploads:   11 graphics 
I love fairies, Dracula, and music. I live in my own fantasy world because the real world is just too boring, and I'm a die hard Christian. I hate politics, stupid people who think their smart, and green vegetables.

That's pretty much it. Comments on any of my graphics are much appreciated.
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