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Name:   Shannon Monster!Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1920-11-28Country:   United States
Joined:   2010-03-23Location:   vvv what are visits? :o
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   11 graphics 
Name:   Shannon Monster!
Birthday:   1920-11-28
Joined:   2010-03-23
Location:   vvv what are visits? :o
Uploads:   11 graphics 
quitting soon
and jacee. have a good life.
why?: cuz of drama.
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User Comments

ahoy! captain sky writes:
hello (:
i don't know if you remember me.
it's been a long time since i've visted this place.
but i'm back, and you were someone i was really close to.
i really hope you don't leave,
because it would kill me to loose you again.

Posted on: Mar 19th 2011, 12:12:59am

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