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Meh name is Melissa, as ya probably guessed :P Born and raised in Detroit, by my dad. When I was four, my mom left meh and meh dad for anuther man, and I duhn't really remember her. I'm shy, which can be intimidating at times, but I'm usually sweet. But be a betch to meh, I'll fucking beh one to yooh. I have four brothers, not including meh five stepsisters, named Jose,Juan,Livan and Kameron. I have lots a friends, and I love 'em all. Meh dad is meh idol, and we are best friends. I travel wif meh dad, bcuz he's a photographer, and takes nature pictures. He's in love wif baseball, and so am I. :) When I turn 18 I plan to fly to California, and become a profesionaal model, which if what I've always dreamed of doing. I'm kinda childish, yooh could say, but I tend to be mature when necessary. :P When I was little, I always said I wanted to be a pitcher for the Detroit Tigers, and according to meh brothers, it could happen :) I'm almost done, so duhn't worry ;) Meh obsession is music, and I'm much too sensitive to tone. I'm a pretty average girl, and I hope ya'll love meh :D There. Finished. Capiche. ;) Kiss meh goodbye, becuz time so much flies by Im a total geek, and I love beng called one. So love, to love, Melissa<33 ![]() ![]() ![]() Rawrr, betch, Rawrrr. Meh ^^ Ya like. (; Shawty iz tha Shiiit.
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