I am Simply Me..!(offline)
::My name is Sasume(Combination of Aimee & Sasuke)::
::I came from the beautiful place called Earth and it's located in the Universe:: ::I lOve SInging(and I think my voice is..honestly not good,But i can Sing!):: ::I like to eat sweet foods(but i'm not diabetic,THANK GOD!):: ::My Hobby is Eating & surfing the net( im not fat jUst ChuBBy!):: ::I don't like people who don't like me(well obviously):: ::I am afRaid Of Ghost(I can'T see them and i'm not wishing but still i'm scared of them..):: ::I am a "TWILIGHTER" (Edward Cullen 4EvaH!):: ::I alWays Like liStening to MUsic( Specially Linkin Park Songs, Jonas Brothers, Secondhand Serenade, BoyS lIke Girls,And many More..!):: ::I love to Dance( but I think DaNcIng Don't lIke me..! hehhe):: ::SometiMes I dIsobey Some Rules anD regUlations..(but sometimes iT's Fun..!) ::Well a Like JIm CArrey( he mAkes Me lAugh 2 The FulleSt..):: ::I think that's all!!::
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