Be yourself at everytime --- everywhere!(online status not displayed)
I'm Samantha Adams but people call me "Sam" Or sometimes "Candy". I do love rock music and hanging with my friends,I agree i'm a spoiled brat,stupid and even a sassy bitch sometimes,but it's who I am and i'm ok with it=). Yes,i'm emo but i don't like to be labeled. Just so you know I have my likes and my unlikes so don't judge cause of what I like judge me in who I am! Oh and I'm christian. Thanks for litsening..... -Sam This is so cute! OMG the best ever. This is Me(I'm 14): Like it or not,That's me and my,i'm not a slut and what I can't help it if i'm pretty! I think They totally rock expecially their songs are amazing. They are hot too! Yeah^ Totally Anti-miley here expecially because she is on her way to being another britney spears and not to mention being a lesbian cause she is a lesbi. I'm saying the truth here! Ok...I don't like High School Musical Movies but I do support zashley for one reason "They Look so cute together" while the stupid lesbian slut "Vanessa Hudgens" Takes Zac Efron away. Stupid mind vanessa has instead of vanessa it should be granvessa cause she looks like a grandma! I support Zashley. That's ME^ LoL .....I wish my name was Sam instead of the name Samantha. That is so cute^ Me and my guy friend kissed once and were like um still friends right? lol so us!
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