Rah Rah Rah ah ah rahma mama gaga ooh lala caught in a bad romance(online status not displayed)
*Hi I'm Millie* *Im 9 years old* *Im mean like bitches but i can be sweet as candy* *Im a Miley fan so deal with it* *Im a Demi fan so deal with it* *Im a Selena fan so deal with it* *Im a Beyonce fan so deal with it* *Im a P!nk fan so deal with it* *Im a Rihanna fan so deal with it* *Im a t.A.T.u fan so deal with it* *Im a bErL!n fan so deal with it* *Im a 3Oh!3 fan so deal with it* *Im fat so deal with it* *Im cute so dont hate* *I love Music so deal with it* *I am a dog lover/owner* *I like the Yankees so deal with it* *I LUUUUUUUUUV Lady Gaga!* *hate her? we can NEVER be friends* *BAD ROMANCE IS HER BIGGEST HIT EVER!!! ;) i luuuuuv tht song* *Justin Bieber is hot so deal with it* *I <3 Anime so deal with it*
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