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We reject you're reality and substitute our own! >:D

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Name:   rijekuto pakkuRanking:   --
Birthday:   1993-01-21Country:   
Joined:   2010-01-02Location:   
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   rijekuto pakku
Birthday:   1993-01-21
Joined:   2010-01-02
Welcome to our Rejected profile! If you're a reject, read on. If you're not, fuck off or just hurry the hell up with what you want to do.

This is Shinzui Ukiyo speaking, by the way. I am the second Alpha of our pack, besides Makoto Nakamori. My element is lightning, which, with the irhgt spark, makes fire. Makoto and I met when both of us were kicked out our clans. I committed high treason by killing a member of my clan. Makoto won't tell us what he did.

During our travels, Makoto and I came across other rejected wolves. And so we thought, "Why not?" ...Actually, I thought that and just made him agree. >:D That brings us to the only other two members of our pack, Ri Eisei and Nova Yuudoku. Explain yourselves, guys!

Um, hi.. Ri Eisei here. I'm the medical wolf in the pack. And, er.. Nova joined the pack before I did but we became good friends. Nova said he got kicked out his clan because he..ano.. he um.. well he got accused of rape and in revenge he poisoned the other with something forbidden. And me? Ano.. I don't really remember my past.. I just remember my pack leaving and only one looking back.

So, ano.. Yeah, I'm gonna work on the rest of the account because boredom struck me.

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