Requesτs. Obviously, this page is for requests. So..yea, I'm taking requests. Please read everything that is in bold before requesting. xxxxxxxxxxBuild it. •Pick out & customize your request.{Fonts are listed by name} •OR you could let me surprise you &choose a font that's not listed here. ^^Nameplates example^^ above is an example.When requesting one, tell me how large, the colors you want on it, & anything else you might like! Avatars examples; *NOTICE FOR ALL KINDS OF REQUESTS. Please by descriptive for whatever you request. If you're requesting an avatar or an image, you have to show me what image to use. I won't go looking for one. If there's anything wrong or just just want to change your request A LITTLE BIT, feel more than free to ask me.
Thanks for taking your time to read through all this :).
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