Better to have loved then lost than never to haved loved at all(online status not displayed)
Reading writting drawing t.v. anime/manga the discovery channel the internet my room emo boys(CAUSE THEIR SMEXYALCOUISE) DO NOT JUDGE ME UNTIL YOU HAVE WALKED IN MY SHOE'S I DISLIKE: racist preps rap country people who nag gangster wanna be's gangster's idiots. I AM: randome outgoing lovable people meeter (that's not even a word but o'well) confident I DONT: care what people think about me or the choices i make or the friends i have or the choices they make because I know I make smart choices and I know THEY make smart choices. I: can and will do what i want work my hardest at even the simplest of things be friends with almost anyone dont care what your sexuality is OR! what race because i can do watev when ev! SOME ADVICE: dont f. wit me! or my friends cause i take that personaly MY BESTIE'S ARE: Heather-i met her first Logan-psh he's like my bro Lauren-bay bay you da best! ABOUT THEM: Heather-is like my sister god forgot to give me Logan-well i had a crush on him then got over him then he became my bestie! an he is like my bro! Lauren-is this totally awsome biatch that i love so much her an heather r my sister's...ha i wish.
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