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I'm a muslim chick (and damn proud about it!). I have my own unique style. It might contain some gothic or punk traits but hell, it's me.

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Name:   ptpeachRanking:   --
Birthday:   1993-07-11Country:   
Joined:   2007-02-10Location:   Someone in big ol' California.
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   2 graphics 
Name:   ptpeach
Birthday:   1993-07-11
Joined:   2007-02-10
Location:   Someone in big ol' California.
Uploads:   2 graphics 
My name is Layla. You can call me "The Peachy Chick" or "Lei". Whichever suits you best :D

I am Muslim.
I am 13 years old.
My birthday is July 11.
I live in California.
I am not ARAB!
No one in my family is Arab (or from Asia, for that fact).
Speaking ethnically, I am European and African.
I love to write fanfiction.
I am a fan of Super Smash Bros. Melee fanfiction.
I love video games.
I love Nintendo.
I like to doll.
I am a deviantArtist.
I am interested in finding out info about my ancestors.
I can do digital art.
I can do traditional art.
I can paint.
I LOVE to bake.
I love Panic! at the Disco (THEY FECKIN RAWk!)
I love to play in eyeliner. Do little designs. They freakin rock.
I eyes are hazel.
I am a natural brunette and a fake redhead.
I've a LOT of sisters.
I have a Nintendo 64, a pink Nintendo DS Lite, a Playstation 2, a Playstation, a purple Game boy Advance, and a platinum Gamecube (which is my baby :D)

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