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Emo R CuTe!!

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Name:   DinaRanking:   --
Birthday:   1992-05-12Country:   Singapore
Joined:   2008-10-25Location:   
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   15 graphics 
Name:   Dina
Birthday:   1992-05-12
Joined:   2008-10-25
Uploads:   15 graphics 

<Tis Is Totally Me!!>
<I'm A Head CheerLeader, Totally Cute!!>
<Wanna Go Out Wit Me!?>
<I'm Totally Out Of Tis World..>
<I m a PrimaDona!!>
<U've Said It Sister!!>
<I Gotta Go To Sch..So C Ya L8R>
<Pop Star Movin' 2 Hollywood!!>
<Pretty In Pink!!>
<Wanna Go 2 e Prom Wit Me?!>
<Tis Is Me Wen I Die..>
<Tis Actually Happen 2 Me...>
<Even If I Die He'll Follow..>
<My ♥ Will Always Belong 2 Him Cos' I'm Taken..>
<Lets Go 2 Hawaii!! My Fav Island!!>
<U WannaKnow Wat I Say?Tis Is Wat I Say...>
-My Pet Kitten Look Like Tis Cos Its Dead Now-

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