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Name:   primrose11Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1987-02-11Country:   Philippines
Joined:   2009-05-03Location:   
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   222 graphics 
Name:   primrose11
Birthday:   1987-02-11
Joined:   2009-05-03
Uploads:   222 graphics 
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User Comments

jczbabydoll (moderator) (contest runner-up) writes:

Several of your graphics were in the wrong category &/or description, the skeleton goes under seasonal/halloween & the christmas tree with gifts goes under seasonal/christmas, the bottle under seasonal/new year, the heart/ under seasoanl/valentine's day, Jesus, clipart/religious, flag clipart/ misc, they've been moved, please be more careful & if your not sure where things go, please ask first, thanks.

Posted on: Dec 21st 2020, 1:05:46pm

veruscha17 writes:
Hi prim its been a long time since I visit GG.. and yes I had a facebook account

Posted on: Dec 13th 2020, 2:53:10pm

jczbabydoll (moderator) (contest runner-up) writes:

Your "I Love" graphics are in the right category, but wrong description, they go under love, not text blends & if they have a name with other text, then they go under glitter text/ personal, & if name only, then glitter text/ first names, & your "Rest in Peace, under glitter text/misc they've been moved :) If you have any questions, ask away & will help if I can, thanks,

Posted on: Dec 12th 2020, 12:40:23pm

jczbabydoll (moderator) (contest runner-up) writes:

Your birthday cake was in the wrong category, it goes under seasonal/birthdays, it's been moved :) It also looked like it had someone else's watermark on it, but after checking it more thoroughly, it just looks like a red square that's under the cake. If you have any questions, ask away, & will help if I can, thanks.

Posted on: Aug 10th 2020, 12:48:51pm

jczbabydoll (moderator) (contest runner-up) writes:

I couldn't approve your candy bars & other food graphics, as logos are no longer allowed. If you have any questions, ask away & will help if I can, thanks.

Posted on: Apr 25th 2020, 1:53:03pm

jczbabydoll (moderator) (contest runner-up) writes:

Several of your graphics were in the wrong categories, the christmas ones, goes under seasonal/christmas, all halloween stuff, goes under seasonal/halloween, your dividers goes under dividers/& what they describe, Heart of candy goes under seasonal/valentine's day, birthday ones, go under seasonal/birthdays, animated religious ones, go under gifs/religious, anime, goes under gifs/anime. Also, I couldn't approve your angel graphic or precious moments, as Ruth Moorehead & Precious moments no longer allow their work due to copyright issues. If they are animated in any way, they go under gifs or sparkles & then what it/they describe, like your vase of flowers, goes under gifs/flowers. They only go under clipart if they are not animated. Religous & angel girl could not be approved, as they had someone else's watermark on them. You had several graphics that weren't approved, due to them being already present. No logos are allowed either. Please read the top of my page when you get a chance to familiarize yourself with artist's who aren't allowed on GG, that should help too. If you have any questions, ask away & will help if I can :)


Posted on: Mar 12th 2019, 12:09:29pm

veruscha17 writes:
♥♥Hi Sarah♥♥

♥♥Added you as a friend hope u will add me back♥♥

Posted on: May 20th 2016, 5:27:15am

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