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have sumthin to say to me? say it to my face. if ya say it behind my back, it just proves ur a lil chicken who ain't brave at ALL!

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Name:   prayin4itRanking:   --
Birthday:   1991-01-10Country:   
Joined:   2006-10-24Location:   So-Cal
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Name:   prayin4it
Birthday:   1991-01-10
Joined:   2006-10-24
Location:   So-Cal
yea so what i used to have HERE in THIS paragraph was so old i deleted news? yes...and lots of it...

i got a kiss from the guy i have the hawts 4 at skewl...he's so ffin hot! but yea like...he kissed meh, and more then jsut a kiss, if ya know what i mean! but he said that he doesn't wana a relationship so its like *sigh* arg TEASE haha...


and yea, my mom and i fight all the fucking time, and it pisses me off...she fuckin bitch slapped me on my face and i already had injury there from my stupid cat and my lip got cut open and it was throbbing like CRAZY

and i left home for a week to go to my gma's, i was gunna live there but then i came back caz i got in trouble out there (slept at a friends without tellin peeps where i was at) pretty gayyyyy huh?


and yea...*puts quote up that used to b under "quote that examplifies your life" because it was so awesome*

"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had to kill because they pissed me off."
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