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Members and Clickie Page is on the LOVERS section !

Name:   popu-girly.clubRanking:   --
Birthday:   1990-02-11Country:   
Joined:   2009-11-01Location:   
Posts:   0 comments
Birthday:   1990-02-11
Joined:   2009-11-01
P O P U | G I R L Y | C L U B

Or Popular Girly Club.For GiRls onlii

A B O U T | T H I S | C L U B

Its really obvious that it means "POPULAR and GIRLY"
This is not about emo or punk kinda' stuffs ,
but about being a teen-girlii girl.
So.If you are one . what are you waiting for , JOIN NOW !

J O I N | N O W

Here are the easy steps on how to join
Just fill this up and send it here

Avatar Code:

W A N T E D | J O B S

Active Member = Participates only on club activities
Welcomer = Welcomes new members
Advertiser = Advertises this club
Artist = Creates club clickies , banners and graphics
Dollmaker = Makes club dolls

E A R N I N G | P O I N T S

Follow this strict rules on how to become a VIP

1.)Participate in contests and vote our poll
2.)Do your job well
3.)To earn points you should say
"(your name)'s a certified Popu-Gal"
the more times you say it , the more point you've earn
For example you say it 17 times so u earn 17 points's buddies:
Login or register to add as your friend!

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