New toys each week ♥(online status not displayed)
New to Pixel Town, the cute little ToyShop on the corner has opened for all children to enjoy! Each week at least one new toy will be added to the collection to make sure there's a wide selection for every member of Pixel Town to choose from. The shopkeeper Alison spends most of her time arranging the toys made by the Owner into neat and colourful displays. Remember that you must be a member and have added PixelTown to be able to use pixels from the ToyShop, Beach, or Bakery, otherwise you will only be allowed to look at them. Small assorted bear/bunny/cat teddies; Coloured Gameboy Advance handhelds; Plastic Caterpillar toys; Assorted toy cars and trucks; DOLLS, PILLOWS, LARGER TOYS AND MORE, COMING SOON. © All graphics on this page were made by the owner of Pixel Town. Please do not steal or upload as your own.
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