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welcome to the petshop newsletter!!! Here you may read the updates, new events, new pets, new upgrades, or even new pet owners! Feel free to read anything in this page but if you want to adopt a new pet please go to **petshop**'s account. Hi there! New notice! The shop have it's first promo! There will be a winner of a clickie every week! I will be choosing on one of my buddy lists the winner! To join the raffle, 1.Adopt a pet 2. vote for it 3. Add me 4. I'll add you too and you're now registered! I will be making a small card with a coupon for a proof that you joined. IF YOU WANT A COUPON, PLS ASK ME. New notice! The shop has it's new upgrade! The clickie Machine! The clickie machine makes clickies! It's just easy! 1.Fill up this form: Clickie type:______ =Clickie type: What is the clickie for ex. Club clicke, Blog clickie, Page clickie, Shop clickie, etc. Inputs:________ =Inputs: How the clicke is formed: ex. Size:________ =Size: The size of the clickie ex: 400x600 2. You will receive your clickie soon. NEW ACCESSORIES These Graphics are clickies! If you want to buy, please go to the ACCESSORY SHAWP.
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Hello there ^-^ Have a great day ;D
Posted on: May 21st 2011, 9:26:01pm