♥Rawrr Imma Ninja♥ Mhm. Jelous Much?! (:(online status not displayed)
I Like: Pacman Rain Unicorns Rainbows Neoncolors YerrMom Cupcakes Llamas Cats Cappachino Music Ninjas Dinos Robots Scary Movies The Computer TV Coloring Dr.pepper Milkshakes Spongebob Petewentz Plankton from Spongebob Gloomybear Photography Gir JackSkelliton From The Nightmare Before Christmas Nick Jonas I Hate: Bugs.(eww) Spiders.(ewwer) High Heights.(x_x) Posers.(Get a life) Haters.(Hate on someone your own size) Labelers.(We are not soda cans) People who think there better than everyone else.(stfu) Cheaters(wowzers..Cheaters never win, heartbreakers should go die) Stalkers.(Creepy o.O) Backstabbers.(a friend shouldn't ever stab ya in the back) Loud gum chewing(Sounds like a cow.) People who do drugs to fit in with the "Crowd". Cheese.(eww...only like Cheese on pizza) Vannessa Huggens.(Whore, I don't like her. sorry kids.) Hanna Montana. (Don't like her, don't know why.) People who are homophobic.(What's wrong with someone if they love another person and the same sex, if their happy, Im happy.) Assholes. (Don't tell me who and what I can't do, say or hangout with.) Zac Effron. (He is NOT hot.) Chain Mail. (Keep it off my page.) Liers. (People that Lie.) People who think their all that. People that Judge You. Racist people. (Who cares what color you are. We are all people.) Fav Bands (Most Important To Me): ♥FOB(FalloutBoy)I Own Pete.(PeteWentz is the hottest guy alive) ♥MCR(My Chemical Romance) ♥Cobrastarship ♥Metrostation ♥JonasBrothers (Nicholas Jerry Jonas Is Offically Mine.) >:) Paramore. GreenDay. Cute is what we aim for. Boys Like Girls. Seven Angelfold. ♥Gym Class Heros. ♥Panic@theDisco Finger11. ThreeDaysGrace. (: Im a really nice girl. I like to hang with my friends and go to the mall. I love boys. I also love to make new friends! :) I Lurv Monster Energy Drinks *Note* (I did NOT make this. I Repeat I did NOT make this. This is all credited to Skittlekitten12. The Best Artist EVER. srsly. :D .) *Note* (I did NOT make this. I Repeat, I did NOT make this. This is all credited to Skittlekitten12. Another awsome drawing. (: OoOo. I wantz to eat this HelloKitty Pop. Hello kitty Pop. nom nom nom. Was Gud. <3 Me. FabScene. Shades On Oolala. Look away while you have the chance. ._.
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