~-want to know my secret???-~(online status not displayed)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rank:27 h! ! aM NekObRTah... U caN caLL Me MiMi f0R mY ReaL NaMe...i aM 16, jUniOR hS...i aM NeW iN ThiS SiTe dOnT laUgh aT mY gRaPhicS if iTS UglY...becaUSe i STill dOnT knOW hOW 2 mYk iT...i <3 mY fRiendZ, & mY 2 bffS...& i alSO lUV neW fRiendS...i aM a kinD PeRSOn i lUV anime & kaWaii ThingS...jUdge Me & i'll PROVE U WROng... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ________________________________________________________ love it by anna0145!!!Thank you ^_^ ___________________________________________________ made by therese or emoprincess its so pink i love it! thank you ^_^ ___________________________________________________ by kiana999 thank you its so cutie ^^ _________________________________________ by anti-emo hmm...so cute avatar =) i love flowers and gardens... ^^ MMEEE!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ im a certified kawaii lover!!! .,.,.,.,,.,
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Posted on: Oct 20th 2010, 8:47:49am