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Name:   navywife0607Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1981-09-10Country:   
Joined:   2007-06-05Location:   Vancouver, WA
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   42 graphics 
Name:   navywife0607
Birthday:   1981-09-10
Joined:   2007-06-05
Location:   Vancouver, WA
Uploads:   42 graphics 
Hey everyone!! My name is Mandy, I am 27 years old and a WAHM of 3 amazing boys. I have graphics on here that I have made before, and if there are requests for them that have not been filled it is due to the fact that my computer crashed and I ended up losing everything and had to wait to get a new computer. So all of the graphics that I have on here now are gone. I might post some more graphics, but not sure as of right now, but I do have a design site on myspace so go and check it out on there!
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