(online status not displayed)
Hello. this is the nιhao ĸaι-lan club.i really hope you enjoy the currency.. The Brand new people are the current Glitter Graphics members below..... ------ What do i have to do to join? its 3 easy steps. Name - (name here) Birthday - (age or birthdate here) New - (if you have ever seen Kailan) ---------------------------------------- Name - beatriz Birthday - August 6th New - Never watched ------ Name - Kasey Rose Birthday - june 24th New - never watched ------ Name - Nicolette Lynn Birthday - June 26th New - one time i think :p ------ Name - Izzy Birthday - march 1 New - only seen once ------ Name - Nickie Birthday - seven eleven New - ??? (p.s - if you want to join but dont go by the membership fill outs then i will just go by this ; Birthday: on glitter graphics and since you wouldnt put your name or if you watched it. i will put the g-g name you have or chose then put this ??? on the "have you watched it.)
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