~Live your Life like it is the last day you live! Live. lOVE. Laugh. I think i got the "3L's" wrong but w.e.

~ I absoluletly LOVE this graphic. I think we should all live life to the fullest extention. Live your life LOUD AND PROUD. Hug harder, laugh louder, smile bigger, love LONGER!

~ This graphic ROCKS! Just say "SO WHAT" to unfriendly comments. I may be a loser(I don't know if I am)and so might be you, but just know your the COOLEST!

~ SO true! I love the wording of the whole entire thing. Encourages you to stand out of the crowd and pursue your dreams, weather small or large, take a shot at it! =D

~ Such a nice poem, shows so much love, the author is brilliant. A nice poem to captivate the meaning of feelings!

~ I think this poem is great just like the one above! Love it Muah! Letters start with ABC, numbers start with 123,songs starts with do-re-me, but love start with you&me.

~So true! Somepeople are jelous of you and dont let their jelousy get into your shining moment! Some people WILL kill to see you fall, but you g2 be strong!
LOL...I'm too lazii to write anything about the avatars anymore....so instead i will just put out my favorites...hope u like it!

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