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Heey.It's Nadia!im youhhh no!I hatedd diary's.i never even had one!Then one day my cuzin Macey got me one for Easter!I started writting my feelings down and i felt a whole lottt better!!!I think youhh shoul try it!So here is a lil somethinggg for all of youhh(:My yourrr diary.I made this pageee actually for all of youhh.I want youhh to express your feelings here!I Will NOT tell anybody at all what youhhh have to offer!It's your diary from now on!I will write as well!!Please don't tell ppl my secrets!I am a very nice girl...but im bitchy as hell!pweaseee follow some ruless!I know some of youhh mite hate rules..but DEAL wit it.I love all of youhhh and enjoy yourself!...thankzzz and please dont be afraid to just let it out.I just want youhhh to be happy and live life happily!And i know tht some of youhhh mite be sayin "This girl has lost it"....but idc wat youhh think at all bout this...i just want ppl to be happy!Tht's all(:
-You Don't Know how much people love youhh until youhh ask Y
Dear Diary,
Okay, Okay! As you can tell my Easter was not that well! I feel werid writing in here so imma use codenames/nicknames for myself. Kathy is like my best friend ever. She is my world. So today she and I talked and were back! Which makes me happy but, I was wondering something. Why does Simonm get in our buisness all the time?? I don't get it and neither does Kathy. Oh well!! I guess thts life!! :( I just finised a school project that is due on Friday and I am soo proud of myself for finishing it. I have state exams coming up soon. :( I guess I ony have them in HS cuz I have AIS classes.. not tht good at social studies and science :( I am doing good in all subjects except Science. Pooh!! Can't wait until Summer!! Friends, Pool, Beach, Family, Cool Weather, Phone, Internet, and ALL my G-G friends! :)
this is fuckingggg weird,,,,but i do it for nadsss!(:
dear diary,
im in loooooooove!!!!Wit a girl,,PS:It aint Kate!
She ha longgg black hair!,she smart and beautiful!
I actually think tht she is HOTT!she likes some1
else but idc,,,loves her to bits!She kinda looks
scene to mee(:
Dear Diary,
My lifeeee is a mess.
I am STILL grounded!.
All i did was fuck!!.
I mean,,im NOT preg!.
I know tht 4 sure..!.
I enjoyed fuckin!<33.
Eric goes soooo hard.
Hope i can be free!(:
PS:I hate youhhh mom.
Dear Diary,
I am soooo fuckinggg confused!
Idk who i am!No Lie!
I have been trying to be myself,,but i dont like it!Everytime i try to start new,,i always
seem to crumble.DAMN,,,,wish i knew what i
should do! LMFAO(:.well,,,tht's all i can share
rite now!
Dear Diary,
Today I don't know how I feel.
I been looking back at the pass a lot.
Remembering ALL those memories good & bad.
I really miss the good old days.
All those laughs and smiles.
Now it's just isn't the same...
Wishing I could go back.
Not to change anything,but to relive all the memories again.
Dear Diary,
The love of my life quit g-g today! I can't live without her. She is like a puzzle piece that I need to keep me from moving and going foward. I don't know what I would do without her not being on G-G. People need to mind there own business and top getting into other people's convox. Like wtf?? I thought writing in here would be reat ad guess what it is!! I am always going to write in here because I can let my feelings and thoughts out in here and that is good especially for me. :) But back to the other part of the story... Idk.. I had my cousins over today at my house for Easter and they left an hour ago and I saw a heart breaking message from her and my heart sank. What do I do? What do I say to her? Wat happened?? How and why did she leave? And most importantly, why did she leave ME?? Well I guess only she knows that. :( I am now going to read a love book and I ONLY read books when I'm sad soo I guess I'll talk to you soon!!
Dear Diary,
Today im going to a wedding.I am totally worried about
how im going to the junior bridesmate!OMFG.i was REALLY excited at first...and now im just actingg
stupid!!OMG.i really can't help my dumbness(not a word)! youhhh see want im talkin bout???of course youhhh do!!!o and i keep tryinn to ask this boy out and
he doesn't even answer me!like WTF dude...well tht's all
im sharin.
Posted on: Apr 27th 2011, 11:15:25pm
Posted on: Apr 27th 2011, 10:03:09pm
I'm upset and kinda feel ignored. :/
~ Mon!ca
Posted on: Apr 27th 2011, 9:56:49pm
I just got a bf!<33
Yesss!I love him...
ive been waiting so
long 4 him 2 ask me!
WTHHHH<33.Im s lucky
-Macey Mason
Posted on: Apr 27th 2011, 8:32:09pm
i need a girl sooooooooooo badly!!!DAMN...wats rongg wit me?im sexy,funny,cool,and smart...ive got it all!
Posted on: Apr 27th 2011, 8:05:46pm
Okay, Okay! As you can tell my Easter was not that well! I feel werid writing in here so imma use codenames/nicknames for myself. Kathy is like my best friend ever. She is my world. So today she and I talked and were back! Which makes me happy but, I was wondering something. Why does Simonm get in our buisness all the time?? I don't get it and neither does Kathy. Oh well!! I guess thts life!! :( I just finised a school project that is due on Friday and I am soo proud of myself for finishing it. I have state exams coming up soon. :( I guess I ony have them in HS cuz I have AIS classes.. not tht good at social studies and science :( I am doing good in all subjects except Science. Pooh!! Can't wait until Summer!! Friends, Pool, Beach, Family, Cool Weather, Phone, Internet, and ALL my G-G friends! :)
Agee <33
Posted on: Apr 26th 2011, 7:02:55pm
dear diary,
im in loooooooove!!!!Wit a girl,,PS:It aint Kate!
She ha longgg black hair!,she smart and beautiful!
I actually think tht she is HOTT!she likes some1
else but idc,,,loves her to bits!She kinda looks
scene to mee(:
Posted on: Apr 25th 2011, 9:57:47pm
My lifeeee is a mess.
I am STILL grounded!.
All i did was fuck!!.
I mean,,im NOT preg!.
I know tht 4 sure..!.
I enjoyed fuckin!<33.
Eric goes soooo hard.
Hope i can be free!(:
PS:I hate youhhh mom.
Posted on: Apr 25th 2011, 9:48:25pm
I am soooo fuckinggg confused!
Idk who i am!No Lie!
I have been trying to be myself,,but i dont like it!Everytime i try to start new,,i always
seem to crumble.DAMN,,,,wish i knew what i
should do! LMFAO(:.well,,,tht's all i can share
rite now!
Posted on: Apr 25th 2011, 7:17:05pm
Today I don't know how I feel.
I been looking back at the pass a lot.
Remembering ALL those memories good & bad.
I really miss the good old days.
All those laughs and smiles.
Now it's just isn't the same...
Wishing I could go back.
Not to change anything,but to relive all the memories again.
Posted on: Apr 25th 2011, 9:46:56am
The love of my life quit g-g today! I can't live without her. She is like a puzzle piece that I need to keep me from moving and going foward. I don't know what I would do without her not being on G-G. People need to mind there own business and top getting into other people's convox. Like wtf?? I thought writing in here would be reat ad guess what it is!! I am always going to write in here because I can let my feelings and thoughts out in here and that is good especially for me. :) But back to the other part of the story... Idk.. I had my cousins over today at my house for Easter and they left an hour ago and I saw a heart breaking message from her and my heart sank. What do I do? What do I say to her? Wat happened?? How and why did she leave? And most importantly, why did she leave ME?? Well I guess only she knows that. :( I am now going to read a love book and I ONLY read books when I'm sad soo I guess I'll talk to you soon!!
Agee <33
Posted on: Apr 24th 2011, 8:26:13pm
Today im going to a wedding.I am totally worried about
how im going to the junior bridesmate!OMFG.i was REALLY excited at first...and now im just actingg
stupid!!OMG.i really can't help my dumbness(not a word)! youhhh see want im talkin bout???of course youhhh do!!!o and i keep tryinn to ask this boy out and
he doesn't even answer me!like WTF dude...well tht's all
im sharin.
Posted on: Apr 23rd 2011, 9:12:15am