Hi! My name is Kaylyn. I am 7 years old and i love Glitter-Graphics. I help my mom Holly a.k.a. Evil-Angel make some. I love the Jo-Bros as you may or may not have noticed. I also like Hannah Montana a.k.a. Miley Cyrus, Ashley Tisdale, Selena Gomez, and all the other Disney artists. If you dont like these wonderfully talented artists that is fine, you are intitled to your opinion. Plz dont leave nasty comments about them on my page though. I am only seven but i can read and i dont need to be reading vulgur comments. Hope you like my page. My mom and some of her friends make all these great graphics for me. Hopefully i will get to upload some of my own work soon. Peace Out!!
The lady bug, heart, and happy feet graphic were made for me by STARBURSTCOMET!! thank you!!
thank you gothkytten for making this for me.
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