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Name:   may_blue28Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1990-11-28Country:   Philippines
Joined:   2008-05-28Location:   0rm0c city
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   56 graphics 
Name:   may_blue28
Birthday:   1990-11-28
Joined:   2008-05-28
Location:   0rm0c city
Uploads:   56 graphics 
.dah nEiim ish mayuumii.
..kEiim t0 this w0rLd 28th dEii oF n0vEmber..
..i LivE s0mEwhEre in thE w0rLd caLLed "0rm0c city which is in

..again da nEiim ish mayumi..
...LivE with it...
...L0vE it...
...dunt ebuR FoRgeT it...


* a L0t oF thinGzz... *


* shtiLL a L0t oF thinGzzz.. *

...that's aLL...
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