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I must stop Itachi if thats the last thing I ever do.

(online status
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Name:   Saskue UchihaRanking:   --
Birthday:   1994-01-30Country:   
Joined:   2007-03-29Location:   leaf village
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   10 graphics 
Name:   Saskue Uchiha
Birthday:   1994-01-30
Joined:   2007-03-29
Location:   leaf village
Uploads:   10 graphics 
I am Saskue Uchiha. I am 12 years old. The reason why i con't see any of your comments is because my computer.


Naruto, me, sakura<3, and Kakashi.

I'm in a contact table!

Me and Sakura. Don't we make a perfect couple?

Oh ya, I'm hot.

Just for fun.

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