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Oftentimes we do not realize that Jesus is all we need until Jesus is all we have.

Name:   Busy MomRanking:   --
Birthday:   1980-05-30Country:   
Joined:   2006-12-26Location:   East TN
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   632 graphics 
Name:   Busy Mom
Birthday:   1980-05-30
Joined:   2006-12-26
Location:   East TN
Uploads:   632 graphics 
UPDATE! I'll be away from my computer for while. I am not accepting any request at this time!

I enjoy working with CSS and HTML coding. I also like creating my own images and layouts. I'm not any good but I enjoy learning how to do new things.

I signed up here over a year ago and some of the images I have uploaded in the past are not my own. Just favorites of mine. Now I use Photobucket for that! ;)
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