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oNe tHinG tHat cAn nEvER cHangE mY mInD iS aCcEptANcE

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Name:   kyut406Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1990-11-24Country:   Philippines
Joined:   2007-11-25Location:   baCoLod cItY
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   12 graphics 
Name:   kyut406
Birthday:   1990-11-24
Joined:   2007-11-25
Location:   baCoLod cItY
Uploads:   12 graphics 

eLoW eVerYoNe..

tHanKs fOR viStiNg mY aCCoUNt hErE..

bUt fIrsT oF aLL..

iWanT yOu tO kNOw mY sUmtHInG abOut mY sELf..

Schools (Other):

la consolacion school-gardenville and st. john nepomuceno pre- school..



Hobbies and Interests:

♥pLaYiNg cHeSs ♥pLAyiNg sCrAbBlE ♥wAtChInG tV ♥pLaYiNg cOmPuTeR gAmEs ♥sUrFiNg ThE nEt ♥rEaDiNg BoOkS...

Favorite Books:


Favorite Movies:

♥pRiNcE aNd mE ♥tHe hOlIdAy ♥mUsIc aNd lYrIcS ♥pOkEmOn ♥yOu gOt SeRvEd ♥sHaLL wE dAnCe? ♥fIrSt dAuGhTeR ♥tHunDeRbIrDs ♥hIgH sChOoL mUsIcAl 1 aNd 2 ♥cInDeReLLa StOrY ♥pErFeCt sTrAnGeR ♥sPiDeRmAn ♥pReMoNiTiOn

Favorite Music:

♥jUmP tO ThE rHyThM ♥i dEcIDe ♥beAuTifUL gIrlS ♥gIrLFrIeNd ♥sWeEt esCape ♥tEenAgErS ♥cRaZy fOr YoU ♥uMbReLLa ♥sAy Ok ♥wItH lOvE ♥sTrAnGer ♥tHaT gIrL ♥4 iN tHe mOrnInG

Favorite TV Shows:

♥aLicE aCaDeMy ♥ rUrOuNi kEnShIn(sAmUrAi x) ♥eLeMeNtAl gErAd ♥sChOoL rUmBlE ♥aKaZuKiN cHaChA ♥d.N aNgEl ♥mElOdY oF ObLiViOn ♥tEnJhO tEnGe ♥aH! mY GoDdEsS ♥iNuyAsHa ♥tAcTicS ♥pOkEmOn ♥wInX ♥pRiNcE oF tEnNiS ♥mIrMo dE pOn ♥sUzUkA ♥gUnDaM sEeD dEsTiNy ♥gUnDaM sEeD ♥FuLL mEtAl pAnIc♥ cArD cApToR sAkUrA

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tHats mE...

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