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Name:   Clairissa NiggahRanking:   --
Birthday:   1921-01-03Country:   United Kingdom
Joined:   2008-12-27Location:   glascow,scotland
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   Clairissa Niggah
Birthday:   1921-01-03
Joined:   2008-12-27
Location:   glascow,scotland

Whores my name is Clairissa.
I'm seven+tenn.
I luff ma Boyeefriend Daniel.
I'm so cool i wear BRACES.
I dont judge myself and you guys can clearly see what I am.
A girl named a Delilah is posing as me so watch out.
I'm Sarcastic Kid so Bitch don't wear that out.
I love Wicked
I'm Bisexual but I lean more Lesbian :/

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