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I am who I am, your approval isn't needed^_^

(online status
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Name:   *x__♥Kawaiidolli♥__x*Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1994-10-11Country:   Australia
Joined:   2008-03-07Location:   Candii Land=))
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   *x__♥Kawaiidolli♥__x*
Birthday:   1994-10-11
Joined:   2008-03-07
Location:   Candii Land=))

кαωαii Bout Meh <33 кαωαii
Name: Angela/Ange=))
♥Likes‎♥:Strawberries,chocolate,lipgloss,Kawaii Stuff,Sushi,Music,Fashion,Frends,Shopping,Boyyz,Anime,iPod,Lollies.

Hates:The DARK,posers,haters,bitches,whores,bugs(specially spiders),mess,fatness,randomness,weridos,trouble,begging.

Fave Colour/s: Red,BLACK!!pink.
Best Fwends:Claudia,Amy,Katey,Hannah-Rose,Kristy,Kimmy.

Thankyou to the kind people hu helped meh out!^_^Arigato~

And these quotes are true~

Kawaii Time!!~~

Cute Yummy Food!!!

REAL Kawaii Desu~~
Fashion is my Dasha Addiction

♥Shmexi time Babyii!
*x__♥Kawaiidolli♥__x*'s buddies:
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User Comments

mashie. writes:
added you - add me back :D

Posted on: Dec 18th 2010, 2:22:19pm

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