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Name:   Caty* Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1993-03-07Country:   Portugal
Joined:   2009-01-21Location:   
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   5 graphics 
Name:   Caty*
Birthday:   1993-03-07
Joined:   2009-01-21
Uploads:   5 graphics 
Heyy :D
I'm Caty or Kat ( whatever u want), i've 16 years old and i'm from italy.
Now i live in Portugal (and it sucks --')with my oldest brother and my mom :P
Well i really have no idea what to say about me :|
Some people says that i'm sweet(don't belive them xD)and funny.
Others says that i'm a bitch --'
whatever i don't care what they say xD
I have 3 Best friends :D Karolyna, Shana and Alex ^^
They are the best <3
Well if u want to now anything else ask me ;D
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