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"excuse my lips, they find pleasure in unusal places!"

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Name:   jenni<3Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1992-10-16Country:   
Joined:   2007-04-10Location:   Frutie-Tootie Land, NC
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   26 graphics 
Name:   jenni<3
Birthday:   1992-10-16
Joined:   2007-04-10
Location:   Frutie-Tootie Land, NC
Uploads:   26 graphics 

I am a fun-loving person, well thats what my friends say. I like to have fun, em and my step-sister (also my best friend) are very crazy and all out wild. We will do anything we want at any time. Ya know because we are just that cool. Nahh just kidding. I aint a concieted person, so if you think youyr better then me then go away. I aint going to waste me time with you!

you gotta learn to love your self... or life aint worth living. I learned that the hard way!

yuppp sounds like me! :)

I also have this awesome boyfriend named Nathaniel. I love him... yes i do. I am going to marry that boy someday, even if i have to run away...:). He is the most amzingly wonderful fantastical boy ever consived...hehe. He treats me like I am above everyone and he loves me to death. He definitly aint like the pervious nreds in aluimuim Well we have been dating for 7 months now and I fall more in love with him everyday! i♥u naiffy! hehe:):P:)

Well thats all i can think of saying about my self. so add me plz. I love getting new friends! Well thats all I really have to say about myself. If you wanna know more about me, then talk to me on this or add the space!
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