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Name:   jazmine442Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1998-10-30Country:   Singapore
Joined:   2008-08-22Location:   Woodlands
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   9 graphics 
Name:   jazmine442
Birthday:   1998-10-30
Joined:   2008-08-22
Location:   Woodlands
Uploads:   9 graphics 
Supp People . I don't really like to use graphics that much only on gaia online . So i'm just gonna keep this short and sweet
I love singing ( i sang at around 1- 5 and is still singing now
I'm 11 this year 2009
Add me in gaiaonlnie at XxHinata-iLyxX
I have facebook and pet society . Feel free to add me but if your gonna add me , alert me in my comments here . Byes
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