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So.. I herd you liek mudkipz?

Name:   CyteaRanking:   --
Birthday:   1994-09-28Country:   
Joined:   2009-11-29Location:   
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   Cytea
Birthday:   1994-09-28
Joined:   2009-11-29
Er.. Bonjour. I can tell you don't know me. Well, sucks for you because I consider myself pretty damn cool. (For a nerd I heard.) Oh god, I rhymed, I RHYMED! (Spazzes)

So, herd you liek me? That true. Oh, you poor pathetic bastard, why? Well, I don't know why.. I just feel like if you don't know me. Then, you don't know ME. Nah, kidding. But, trust me I'm pretty damn weird.

Nya.. Um.. I watch tons of anime, I don't know. Can't name them so.. Bummer.. Not really. Um er.. Right now I'm into the bloody stuff and romantic stuff or even funny stuff! I don't know enough about me! Damn, more nosy into the topic than facebook.

Er.. Yea, my friend she's on her *CoughWORDCough* Phase.. You'll have to ignore that. Oh, she's also forcing me to keep working on this account so.. Yersh, this information is not classified.

Classified, I despise that word. It reminds me of the fact I can't know it. Fucking government..

I edit! Proud of it, I only use MSPaint for now. But, I'm pretty good. So, if you want a personal online now icon that doesn't move or you want your RPC edited. Just tell me, and I'll put it down on my Youtube account. Sadly, can't show you how I can only explain it because I don't have a hyper cam.

I draw too, but I don't think I do it that well. I know Iki Rawrii would disagree but I am nothing compared to two girls I know.
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