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Sarah Happlesful

Name:   Kathy say WUUUTTTT!!Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1995-03-17Country:   
Joined:   2011-04-26Location:   In your butt
Posts:   0 comments
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Name:   Kathy say WUUUTTTT!!
Birthday:   1995-03-17
Joined:   2011-04-26
Location:   In your butt
Uploads:   3 graphics 
Kathy,Why are you posting bad words in your profile?
=Well u see I am just trying to avoid somebody who is trying to bully me.
Kathy,Did u change?
=Well I guess i changed but my life really changed.My friends are not that close to me.
Kat,Are you a bully?
=Well no i am not a bully..I just changed i just have a feeling to do this and that.But sometimes I do not know that I just hurt somebody's feeling.
=Yah that is why I'm trying my best not to hurt someone's feeling's.
Kath,If u had a chance to go back in tym wat will u do?
=Well,I will correct the things i had done wrong
Kathy,can u describe ur self to the people?
=Well,I am just the same I make tricks,I scare people,I some tyms
Lie (jwk) I still make friends,I add people and yahh just
ask me what else do you want to know about me..=)
Kat,What do you want to say to your friends here in GG?or wats ur message to them?
=My message is uhmnn Remember that I am always there for u
in your daily life and in yourself you are someone special
u might feel like u are not loved,you r ugly, u r a *itch,
or for short you are insecure but always remember that deep inside
your are somebody.And always remember that you should
step out from bullying =) and also remember dat u cn make a
what a wonderful message it is kathy,so anything else you want to say?
=well for the people who read this please comment down bellow and
say I read everything but if u didn't the say i read but only
a half part i only read until...(tell me until where u stopped reading)And if u have a question just comment down below
and i will reply to it ad u will c ur comment in the Q&A part =)
Thank you and bye =)
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User Comments

bubbles&memories. writes:
I Care, Kathy! I LOVE YOU. <3

Posted on: Nov 2nd 2011, 8:34:08pm

pinksugar! writes:
That's a lovely message Kathy<3
Love you girly C:
You can always talk to me.

Posted on: Nov 1st 2011, 7:34:23pm

star-moon writes:
i <3 u

Posted on: Oct 30th 2011, 8:27:20am

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