aDDiCtEd tO tWiLiGhT!(online status not displayed)
HEY mAz3...14 y3aRs oLd...cUrreNtLy iN s3niOr hiGh►iM sO pRoUd 2 b3 a SENIOR...:))◄born on October 12, 1994(3:01 am..:))♫... i sO LoVe tHiS piC!CERTIFIED SCENE!:]!my prOfiLe iS uNdEr cOnStruDtiOn b3cAuSe b3iNg a s3niOr iS a hUsTLe...sO bUsY pr3pAriNg 4 tHiNgS(-_-)... !my prOfiLe iS uNdEr cOnStruDtiOn b3cAuSe b3iNg a s3niOr iS a hUsTLe...sO bUsY pr3pAriNg 4 tHiNgS(-_-)... MUSIC IS MY LIFE! i aLsO hAvE... ★iF yOu'rE iNtErEsTed..pLeAsE aSk m3...iLL giVe u sOm3 h3r3 ♥yOuTuBe:ytubefn ♥cRuNchyRoLL: maze12 ♥aND mAnY mORe...^_^ ★PLASE giVe m3 cOmMenTs aNd dRoP sOm3...^_^...sOoOooOoO LoVe fRiEnDs anD cOmMeNts...^_^★
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Posted on: Oct 26th 2010, 7:09:47am