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I'am who i'am and your opinion isn't needed

(online status
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Name:   girlz_ruleRanking:   --
Birthday:   1987-05-11Country:   Philippines
Joined:   2008-05-15Location:   secret
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   88 graphics 
Name:   girlz_rule
Birthday:   1987-05-11
Joined:   2008-05-15
Location:   secret
Uploads:   88 graphics 
.......wELcum 2 mah pR0file.......
.......whAtz uP?..........
.......pLz add mEh.......
..aNd b4 u lEaVE don'T 4get mY c0mment..
...pLz rAte Nd C0MMEnT mAh gRaPHIcZ...'
..tNx in AdVaNcE..

-1st oF aLL-
-mY nAme iZ:-

-mUzic c0mpletEs mEh-


-iTz a j0ke-

-I'm aN grAde 6 studENt-
-i love 2 dance-
-BUt,,I HATE to sing-
-eRm,,s0 any1 haZ fRiendster-?
-iF u hAve c0mment me uRe eMaiL Add-
-OK SO,tiLL hir

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