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I'm Vanessa

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Name:   georgia bulldog gurlRanking:   --
Birthday:   1992-07-04Country:   
Joined:   2007-06-08Location:   Georgia
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   georgia bulldog gurl
Birthday:   1992-07-04
Joined:   2007-06-08
Location:   Georgia
Im Vanessa! Im a huge fan of Georgia Bulldogs! Im a huge fan of the band My Chemical Romance! My favortie songthey sing is Helena! Im proud to be a christian! If u want to know any thing else about me leave a comment! Im 100% againest child,animal, and drug abuse! U could say im a little crazy but i like being crazy! I have tons of friends and i would like to meet more friends! U could say im ok popularish! My crush is so cute! Im single! My best friend is Amanda! I do not like druggies or drunks!Im more of a goodie goodie! Im get good grades! Leave comments! May i ask u not to use cuss words! And dont leave inoproperate comments! Thank you and bye!

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