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BE yourself Dont take anyones $h!t, AND never let them take you alive!! - Gerard Way

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Name:   gemoashley_loves_mcrRanking:   --
Birthday:   1994-08-02Country:   
Joined:   2007-06-25Location:   new york
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   11 graphics 
Name:   gemoashley_loves_mcr
Birthday:   1994-08-02
Joined:   2007-06-25
Location:   new york
Uploads:   11 graphics 

im totally in love with mcr :D
yay me :]
AND im sick of you posers who know one song and thinks there YOUR favorite band... you should die if you do that :D. Have a nice day.

AND im sick of you posers who know one song and thinks there YOUR favorite band... you should die if you do that :D. Have a nice day.

FRankie looks evil :P

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