The GREATNESS of a nation and it's MORAL PROGRESS can be judge by the way its animals are treated-Gandhi(offline)
MADE BY ME!!!!!!!!!(the video above) ANOTHER VIDEO MADE BY ME!! ANOTHEr video made by: ME!! (all 3 of the videos above were made by me) BESTIES!!(Friends)) mcr_freak tinkerbell961993 ADD THEM!! **sasy** writes: HI! 000000000000000000000000################000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000#####________________#####0000000000000000000 000000000000000####__________________________####000000000000000 0000000000000##__________________________________##0000000000000 0000000000###______________________________________###0000000000 000000000#____________________________________________#000000000 0000000##__________######_______________######_________##0000000 000000#___________########_____________########__________#000000 00000#___________##########___________##########__________#00000 0000#____________##########___________##########___________#0000 000#_____________##########___________##########____________#000 00#______________##########___________##########_____________#00 00#_______________########_____________########______________#00 0#_________________######_______________######________________#0 0#____________________________________________________________#0 0#____________________________________________________________#0 0#________________________**SASY**____________________________#0 00#______##__________________________________________##______#00 00#_______##________________________________________##_______#00 000#________###__________________________________###________#000 0000#__________######______________________######__________#0000 00000#_______________######################_______________#00000 000000#__________________________________________________#000000 0000000##______________________________________________##0000000 000000000#____________________________________________#000000000 0000000000###______________________________________###0000000000 0000000000000##__________________________________##0000000000000 000000000000000####__________________________####000000000000000 0000000000000000000#####________________#####0000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000################000000000000000000000000 Welcome to da page that is totally retarted!!! My page!!! Go Me!!! Ya....mumble mumble THESE ARE NOT MINE--BUT ONES I LIKE! Is My Name I am very active, I have 3 main sports, well 4....5...wait 6..nooo...hmm...9!. LOL, sorry about that. Friends Evanescence Dark Red and Black Figure Skating/ Horseback Riding/gymnastics All animals! Drawing/Coloring/anything with animals Coke and Dr.Pepper Reading--If you have read a book that you'd like to suggest, I read almost everything(if you dont count text books)feel free to comment. Always looking for new stuff. All Sports. Flute/Keyboard/Guitar/Trumpet/Drums Dark Fairies I like all the CSI shows >.< Medium Family Guy(Stewie is the best!) Inuyasha Two and a Half Men How I met your mother Criminal Minds House Scrubs Gilmore Girls ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Animal Abusers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~People who think they are all that ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Liars ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tattle-Tails ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sasha Cohen(Dont start anything by that please!!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Liver--YUCK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Writing(for a grade!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Show Offs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jerks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Homework ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Reading for school OH, 1 MORE THING I HATE THOSE CHAIN E-MAILS SO IF YOU ARE GOING TO COMMENT ON MY PAGE AND/OR MY GRAPHICS, DO NOT POST THEM THERE! THANKS!! Figure_Skater32(FS) ---FAVORITE VIDEO! -SECOND FAV! Killer Whale Trainer:NOT What I am Going to do;But who I am going to be I am a 100% animal lover in fact I do reasearch on my own time, all for animals. But apperently PETA hates animals: An official government report filed by the state of Virginia claims that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has set a new record in killing over 95% of the dogs and cats in its care last year. This is a disgrace and must be stopped! PETA has an annual budget of $32 million much of it spent on advertising and yet they refuse to embrace a no-kill shelter policy which save thousands of dogs and cats under their control. We call on PETA to adopt a no-kill policy in their animal shelters and immediately stop the pet killing. My Favorite Figure Skating Dress(this is a pic of it I found on google) 92% of the teen population would be dead if Abercrombie and Fitch decided breathing wasn't cool! ~Put this in your profile if you are one of the 8% who would be laughing hysterically instead. SAVE THE WILDLIFE! SAVE THE DOLPHINS! know us hockey fans!
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Posted on: Nov 16th 2011, 7:05:55am
for those who are inactive,
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Have a great day :)
Posted on: Nov 2nd 2011, 8:47:00pm
Posted on: Dec 7th 2010, 12:14:50am
Thank You
Posted on: Oct 20th 2010, 12:15:12pm