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Theres more to life than just to live <3

Name:   fearlessღRanking:   --
Birthday:   1920-03-30Country:   
Joined:   2009-12-24Location:   
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   fearlessღ
Birthday:   1920-03-30
Joined:   2009-12-24

Heeeeeey theree , i'm christinaa (: 14 yearss youngg , 8th gradeee .
Cheerleading is a passion <3 The Jonas brothers mean absolutely
everything to me. They are my heros and inspirations. Best friends
aree cool , especially when theyre guys && not backstabbing , bitchy ,
bipolar girls (: i like to think that im original , && i dont care what
others think , but sometimes i slip up && become self concious , oh well.
Miley Cyrus is my idol , i think she is the most amazing role model
in the world. Shes such a strong and beautiful girl. i love the color purple ,
cause its the color of royalty && im the princesss* . Honor Society ,
demi lovato && justkaitt = some pretty damn amazing music. I hate
when things change, jjust when lifes gettingg good. Lies are dumb
&& pointless , be straight up && strong . Justin Bieber is gayy , &&
selena gomez is lesbiann (: i love helping people , and id sacrifice
alot for others . photography , photo && video editing is coool .
i seriously always stand up for what i believe in , no matter what it is.
lol guess what ! no one reads these thingss , so i just wasted about
5 minutes of my lifee -_________- . alright ; byee loveees <3

The only people i add/talk to are my best friends
the ones i've know for a while, the ones i couldnt live without
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