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Welcomezz ta the Emozz Luvv Clubb. <33

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Name:   The Emo Love ClubRanking:   --
Birthday:   1920-01-01Country:   
Joined:   2008-08-22Location:   
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   The Emo Love Club
Birthday:   1920-01-01
Joined:   2008-08-22

Heyz!! Welcome to the EMO LOVVE CLUB!!!

Thiz iz the Official Page of the Emo Love Club.
For all of the Emoz, Emo loverz, and Emo supporterz of any kinda to have a club just for them.
Meh name iz Brianna, and I am the official owner of thiz Club.
I have another account {{xobriannaxo}} and I do take requests to join thiz club through that account also,
But I am mucch more likely to respond to requestz on thiz account.
If yooh would like to join, go to to get the sign up form.
I do NOT take any requests to join without that form filled out!!!

There are not many memberz yet,
so yooh do NOT have to wait very long for your Member card or member profile.
If yooh have any questionz on anything regarding thiz club,
Feel free to ask at anytime, on either of meh accountz.
WIth that being said, do NOT send me more than one comment saying your profile imformation.
SUch as one commet saying: "I want choice two"
then another saying: "Name izz Natallie"

Thank yooh for visiting thiz page, && I hope yooh sign up, && enjoy the Emo Luvv CLubb!!
<333 Luffz, Bri.
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