The ones with "*" means it`s featured.![]() (offline)
![]() if you have anything to share, you may share but please don`t bring up too many details. :) thank you. My most embarrassing moment was when I came from a store with my uncle, and as we were going back home, my uncle kept telling me funny jokes. I laughed and laughed, then suddenly, I peed! I crouched down, but my uncle pulled me up and we ran to the house. Even after I changed my clothes, my uncle kept laughing at me. I will never forget that moment! -Abigail We spent Christmas in Baguio and we went on a picnic where my cousin and I wanted to look for snakes because we were in what looked like a forest. There were little leaves and seeds all around me and when I saw them I screamed so loud because I thought they were snakes. It was so embarrassing! -Niccole My most embarrassing moment was when I was at school with my best friends, Michaela and Isabella. We went to the canteen and I bought a glass of iced tea. When we were all seated, I was drinking my iced tea while Michaela was telling us a really funny joke. Michaela made me laugh so hard that the iced tea came out of my nose and the rest of the iced tea spilled on my uniform! Everyone in the canteen laughed at me. I was totally embarrassed. -Marga V. We were having a cheering competition and, although we always practiced the steps, unluckily during the competition I did a wrong step. I was totally embarrassed because my crush was actually watching us! -Rosanne One day, my best friend and I were brushing our teeth at school. I was gargling when she put her hands in the sink to wash her toothbrush and I accidentally spat all over her hands! I hope that only two of us know about this, but after that, we laughed and laughed. It was totally embarrassing. -Micah My sister was supposed to be fetched at 2:30 but she forgot about it so when my family and I went to fetch her no one was at the fetching area. I went to look for her inside the school, but the embarrassing part was that I was wearing super, super short shorts. When I got inside and saw my sister`s classroom, they were still studying so I left. While I was walking back to our car someone shouted my name. I saw two of classmates and one schoolmates- Tamita, Dianne and William-and they saw me in super, super short shorts. Tamita said "And sexy mo(You're so sexy), Kim" Talk about embarrassing! -Kim When I was in grade 2, my classmate and I were dancing and I was so in the mood that I didn`t realize that she`d stopped dancing and left me until my crush passed by and asked me "What are you doing?" It was really embarrassing. -Jan I was listening to music through the earphones on my cellphone. I disconnected to fix it, but when I reconnected it, I didn`t do it properly, so when I pressed play. My cellphone played the song I was listening to really loud. After, there was this awkward silence and everyone was staring at me. I felt like melting and sliding out the door. -Haylie When we were in Australia, we went to an indoor swimming pool. I was wearing a bikini and decided to slide down this huge tube. As I jumped in, the force of the water made me turn over and over until I finally splashed into the pool-then I felt the bottom part of my swimsuit slip off. When I tried to find it, I saw it floating in this big whirlpool, spinning around and around. I was so embarrassed trying to catch it! -One Blue Gemini *My family and I were in the living room when we heard a beep. My mom looked through the window-it was a delivery guy on a motorcycle. My cousins and I dashed outside, thinking my grandmother had ordered something earlier while we were at school. My cousin was so excited that she jumped up and down as the guy handed out the styrofoam containers and the bag of burgers. I asked my aunt which flavor was which because I saw the burgers' wrappers were in different colors. Then my grandmother went outside and talked to the delivery guy, and we found out that they hadn't ordered anything! We were so embarrassed because we'd taken the food without even asking if it was ours! -Delivery Girl When I was in grade 2, I told my teacher that I would go to the comfort room, and when I came back my teacher told me that the whole back of my skirt was up! I just fixed my skirt and smiled at my teacher, but deep down, I felt so embarrassed! -Samantha A couple months ago, I was on this date with my crush and everything was going pretty good, when had the urge to go to the bathroom. I walked towards it, but I accidentally tripped with a table, it fell and I spilled a couple's drinks on them. It was such an embarrassing moment. -Alesana.
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