i am who i am.(online status not displayed)
sorry i wont be on week days. maybe week end I sm a big fan of harry potter and Anime. I do take requests. so feel free to ask me to make you a graphic. I am in 2 graphic groups. the graphic aquad and ninja graphics!! the graphics that are on this site are ones made by me! so dont go taking them as your own credit. thats all ♥ suki Notice: i'll post more. I TAKE REQUESTS i am in the ninja graphix squad. my friend yuki started it. Members!!! Yuki-http://www.glitter-graphics.com/users/midnight+warrior Suki(ME)-http://www.glitter-graphics.com/users/dying_rose Yumi-http://www.glitter-graphics.com/users/tenten+bizcuts RULES 4 NINJA GRAPHIX MEMBERS!!!- 1.Anyone can join if they love makeing graphics n puts their heart into makeing them!! 2.U have to ask a Ninja Graphix Member if u can join n they have to eaither tell Suki or me so I can add their name to the member list!!(They can join anyways...but this is just a way of knowing the members!!) 3.No spam or makeing fun of other ppls graphics!!Thats just stupid n u will b kicked out of the groupe!! 4.No takeing creatd 4 other ppl's graphics!!!!! My other sites: www.glitter-graphics.com/Dark_Angel_Demon_XxX www.glitter-graphics.com/Deadly_Rose www.glittergraphics.com/Twilight_Beauty Graphics: things friends made
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